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Volume 50 Number 4
Volume 50 Number 3
Volume 50 Number 2
Volume 50 Number 1
Volume 49 Number 6
Volume 49 Number 5
Earlier issues
Supplementary issue

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     ***ScienceAsia has started to use the article ID system from the issue 50(1), 2024 onwards. Authors please read journal scope below before submission and consult Instructions for Authors when preparing your manuscript. Use of manuscript template is recommended.

Volume 50 Number 4 (August 2024)
Table of Contents
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Role of Ca2+/cAMP signalling in cancer with concurrent hypertension
Protease inhibitory activity of mangiferin for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Detoxification of fungal infection in Spodoptera litura larvae through phenoloxidase
Complete chloroplast genome structure of bamboo, Bambusa grandis
PQQ alleviates damage of glomerular filtration barrier in diabetic mice
Additive ξ-Lie σ-derivations on triangular algebras

In progress issues contain online articles which are citable using their doi numbers.

Volume 50 Issue 5 (October 2024)
   Table of Contents

Volume 50 Issue 6 (December 2024)
   Table of Contents


Volume 49S Number 1 
(December 2023)
Table of Contents

Research article: The journal accepts submission of manuscripts (either full research article or short report) that contain experimental components, except manuscripts on Mathematics. Four areas covered by the journal are:
  • Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
  • Chemistry and Material Sciences
  • Environmental and Applied Sciences
  • Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Review article: See Instructions for Authors

Examples of manuscripts that are not considered by the journal:
- Meta-analysis or bioinformatics study/study from survey or interview or questionnaire or literature search, without experimental work
- Clinical medicine (patients' case study, clinical trial)
- Engineering/Architectural work
- Agricultural work (farming, large scale plant field)
- Computer science, Information technology (eg AI, modeling, simulation, neural network; with no significant theoretical novelty)
- Plant/Animal taxonomy
- Work on crude extract with unknown active compounds
- Environmental management/assessment
- Social science fields (policy, management, business, law, education reform, etc.)

Important notes:
*All manuscripts submitted must conform to the journal guidelines (see Instructions for Authors).
*Changes to authorship are not allowed after the manuscript has been accepted for publication.
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
The Impact Factor for 2023 = 1.0

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Table of Contents
Accepted articles are corrected proof articles in which final details need to be futher assigned.